
Blazen Natural Vitality is a hand selected repository of high quality tools for helping you achieve your very own personal potential, delivered to you with the highest level of service, efficiency and affordability.
To empower you with the right information, skills and tools to reach your own optimum level of health, vitality and fulfillment.

What Does
‘Blazen’ Mean?

“Fueling the flame”

The reference to fire is meant both literally and metaphorically, since the energy we all require for life, in so many ways, resembles the nature of a flame.


The energy that powers the cells of our bodies is quite literally a form of combustion, and when in physical health we are often described to be ‘glowing’ or ‘radiant’.


The energy that illuminates our conscious minds is often referred to as being ‘bright’ with intelligence or ‘fiery’ with passion.


The energy that gives us life itself, is almost universally referred to (in cultures around the world) as an inner ‘light’ or ‘flame’.

What Is
‘Natural Vitality’?

Your Natural State, Unobstructed

“Discover your true self, through true health”

It is a fundamental premise of this approach to wellbeing that true health is not merely the absence of disease but a vibrant state of ‘natural vitality’ – that is achieved simply as the natural result of having all your unique needs for balance met.

These needs are specified partly by our genetic ancestry, partly by our life history to date and of course by our current circumstances.

The goal of this approach therefore, is to find how best to match your diet, your lifestyle, your environment and your perceptions to these factors, so that you can naturally begin to embody your most optimum form and function…
i.e. unlocking more of your personal potential.

In short, by getting more of the things you need, and less of the things you don’t, your natural state is not merely to survive… but to thrive!

This site therefore aims to guide you in mastering the art of fueling your own unique ‘flame’ on all these levels, so that in your most vibrant state of optimum wellbeing, your ‘Natural Vitality’.. you can be said to ‘Blazen’!

Getting Started

“There is no destination… only journey.”

It is highly recommended that you review some of the fundamental concepts behind the 4 factors of health that underlie much of the content on this site. This will assist in understanding the key concepts behind a lot of the products, services and content provided on this site.

This site is based on each of the various main factors that can be seen to influence our state of health every day (these constitute the 4 primary categories the site is divided into).

Step By Step

Whilst all of the factors are inter-related, and cannot really be separated, they will each vary in priority for you specifically as an individual. So as you approach them, it is advisable that you proceed in a step wise manner, solidifying a strong and lasting foundation with any of new tools, concepts or services adopted, before moving on to others.

To find a particular topic or tool of interest on this site, just use the Search Bar at the top of the page.

Wishing You Your Best!

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